Element States

Note: The states prefixed with "Desktop recorder" below work for Pipes desktop recorder which also works on Android if enabled. See Pipe's documentation for details.

The Pipe Recorder element exposes the following states:

  • Recording URL”: This is the URL of the saved recording. Note that it can take some time for the final video or audio to be available, even after the URL is published.

  • Video thumbnail URL”: For video recordings, a video thumbnail is automatically generated and this is the URL of the relevant image file.

  • Recording id: This is the id of a recording on Pipe and can be used to access the recording later, for example, to delete it from Pipe (see the “Deleting a recording” section below).

  • “Progress”: This is the progress in percentage (number) of an upload to Pipe.

  • "Desktop recorder: Is ready?": Indicates whether the recorder is ready or not for recording.

  • "Desktop recorder: Is recording?": Indicates whether the recorder is currently recording or not.

  • "Desktop recorder: Is playing?": Indicates whether the recorder is currently playing back a recording.

  • "Desktop recorder: Elapsed recording time (secs)": The time of the currently recording stream in seconds as returned by the 'Get recording time' action when you call it.

  • "Desktop recorder: Elapsed recording time (HH:MM:SS)": The time of the currently recording stream returned as HH:MM:SS (text)as returned by the 'Get recording time' action when you call it.

  • "Desktop recorder: Remaining recording time (secs)": The difference between the maximum recording time and the elapsed recording time returned by the 'Get recording time' action when you call it.

  • "Desktop recorder: Remaining recording time (HH:MM:SS)": The difference between the maximum recording time and the elapsed recording time returned by the 'Get recording time' action when you call it, expressed as HH:MM:SS (text).

  • "Desktop recorder: Playback time (secs)": The time of the currently playing stream (in seconds) as returned by the 'Get playback time' action when you call it.

  • "Desktop recorder: Playback time (HH:MM:SS)": The time of the currently playing stream shown as HH:MM:SS (text) returned by the 'Get playback time' action when you call it.

  • "Desktop recorder: Total recorded time (secs)": The total recorded duration in seconds.

  • "Desktop recorder: Total recorded time (HH:MM:SS)": The total recorded duration shown as HH:MM:SS (text)

  • "Desktop recorder: Mic activity level": The current microphone level as provided by the Pipe desktop client every 10th of a second (100 milliseconds).

  • "Upload completed": Is yes when the upload of a recording is done (which may be different to when it is saved).

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