Element Events

Note: The events prefixed with "Desktop recorder" below work for Pipes desktop recorder which also works on Android if enabled. See Pipe's documentation for details.

The Pipe Recorder element can trigger the following event(s):

  • “is_started”: This event is registered when a recording or upload starts.

  • is saved”: This event is registered whenever a recording is saved to Pipe. You can use this to trigger workflows in your application, e.g. saving the published url of the recording (see the “Element States” section below) to your database. IMPORTANT: Note that it can take a few seconds after this event before the recording becomes playable as Pipe still needs to convert and copy the video to either its own AWS servers or if you have set it to do so, your own AWS or Dropbox storage.

  • "Desktop recorder is ready": This event is triggered when the desktop recorder is ready to record. If you're using your own controls, for example, you should only enable a record button after this event is triggered.

  • "Desktop recorder is stopped": This event is triggered when the stop button of the desktop recorder is pressed to stop a recording.

  • "Desktop recorder is played": This event is triggered when the play button of a desktop recording is pressed to play a recording.

  • "Desktop recorder is paused": This event is triggered when the pause button of the desktop recorder is pressed to pause playback of a recording.

  • "Desktop recorder has finished playing": This event is triggered when playback of a desktop recorder's recording has completed.

Last updated