Element Actions

Note: The actions prefixed with "Desktop recorder" below work for Pipes desktop recorder which also works on Android if enabled. See Pipe's documentation for details.

The Pipe Recorder element has the following action(s):

  • Reset”: The Pipe Recorder element is an input element and this action resets it, clearing its value. You can use this, for example, after a recording is done and you have saved the resulting URL to your database.

  • "Desktop recorder: Record": Start a recording (desktop recorder only).

  • "Desktop recorder: Stop recording": Stop a recording (desktop recorder only).

  • "Desktop recorder: Play": Play a recording (desktop recorder only).

  • "Desktop recorder: Pause": Pause playback of a recording (desktop recorder only).

  • "Desktop recorder: Save": If recording auto-saving is disabled, you can use this action to save the recording (desktop recorder only).

  • "Desktop recorder: Get recording time": Gets the time of the currently recording stream (desktop recorder only). Tip: you can call this with a Do every x seconds.

  • "Desktop recorder: Get playback time": Returns the time of the current playback stream (desktop recorder only) Tip: you can call this with a Do every x seconds.

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